Publications - Chapters in Books
· 41 articles in the Water Encyclopedia, 5-Volume Set, 2005, Wiley-Interscience, Hobooken, NJ.
· 9 articles in Standard Handbook of Environmental Science, Health, and Technology, 2000, McGraw-Hill Handbook Series, New York, NY.
· 2 chapters in Handbook of Complex Environmental Remediation Problems, 2001, McGraw-Hill Handbook Series, New York, NY.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Wagh, V.M., Panaskar, D.B., Jacobs, J.A., Mukate, S.V., Muley, A.A., and Kadam, A.K., 2019, Influence of hydro-geochemical processes on groundwater quality through geostatistical techniques in Kadava River basin, Western India, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, January, V. 12, Issue 1, 25 pp.,
Mukate, S.V., Wagh, V., Panaskar, D., Jacobs, J.A., and Sawant, A., 2019, Development of new integrated water quality index (IWQI) model to evaluate the drinking suitability of water, Ecological Indicators, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, V. 101, June, p. 348-354.
Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC), 2018, Evaluation of Innovative Methane Detection Technologies,; Methane-1, co-author with more than a dozen state regulatory representatives.
Roghani, M., Jacobs, O.P., Miller, A., Willett, E.J., Jacobs, J.A., 2018, Occurrence of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in a Sanitary Sewer System: Implications for Assessing Vapor Intrusion Alternative Pathways, Science of the Total Environment, March, 616–617, p. 1149–1162.
Jacobs, J.A., Jacobs, O.P., and Pennell, K.G., 2017, One Alternative Exposure Pathway of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Vapors from Contaminated Subsurface Environments into Indoor Air – Legacy Sewer-Plumbing Systems, The Professional Geologist, Reprint and Update of GRAC Hydrovisions Article, V. 54, N. 3, July-Aug-Sept., p. 28 – 32.
Jacobs, J. A., Testa S.M., Alpers, C.N., and Nordstrom, D.K., 2016, An Overview of Environmental Impacts and Reclamation Efforts at Iron Mountain Mine, Shasta County, California, in Applied Geology in California, ed. Anderson, R., and Ferriz, H., Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, p. 427-446.
Jacobs, J. A., Grant Ludwig, L., 2016, Exposure to Valley Fever in California – Recent Trends and Prevention for Geologists, Construction Workers, and Related Occupations, in Applied Geology in California, ed. Anderson, R., and Ferriz, H., Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, p. 511-523.
Jacobs, J. A. and Guertin, J., 2009, Overview of Cleanup Design Options and Treatability Testing for In Situ Remediation of Soil and Groundwater, The Professional Geologist, American Institute of Professional Geologists, July/August, V. 46, No. 4, p. 43-50.
Selected Articles and General Publications
Baker, S. and Jacobs, J., 1997, The Government's New Environmental Role, Sacramento Business Journal, March 17.
Goldberg, L., and Jacobs, J., 2000, Brownfields, Standard Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Technology, J. Lehr, ed., McGraw Hill, New York, NY; p. 16.21 -16.32.
Hartman, B., and Jacobs, J., 2000, Soil Vapor Principles, Standard Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Technology, J. Lehr, ed., McGraw Hill, New York, NY; p. 11.87 -11.95.
Hartman, B., and Jacobs, J., 2000, Applications and Interpretation of Soil Vapor Data to Volatile Organic Compound Contamination, Standard Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Technology, J. Lehr, ed., McGraw Hill, New York, NY; p. 11.96 – 11.112.
Jacobs, J.A., 2017, Acidic Drainage from Newly Deglaciated Areas with Sulfide-Rich Surficial Rocks- Possible Mitigation Measures, in Technological Advances in Climate-Smart Agriculture and Sustainability (TACSAS), Proceedings of International Conference on TACSAS-2017, SRTM University, Nanded, India, ed. Waikar, M.L. et. al., Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, India, p. 436-440.
Jacobs, J.A., Jacobs, O.P., and Pennell, K.G., 2015, One Alternate Exposure Pathway of VOC Vapors from Contaminated Subsurface Environments into Indoor Air - Legacy Sewer- Plumbing Systems, Groundwater Resources Association of California, Hydrovisions, Spring 2015, p. 20-24.
Jacobs, J.A. and Geddes-McDonald, L., 2005, Groundwater and Nitrate: Chemical Behavior and Treatment, Wiley Water Encylopedia, Wiley, Hoboken, N.J.
Jacobs, J., and Testa, S.M., 2003, Design Considerations for In-Situ Chemical Oxidation Using High Pressure Jetting Technology, Association for the Environment, Health and Sciences, AEHS Soil, Sediment and Water, March/April p. 51-60.
Jacobs, J., Kram, M., and Lieberman, S., 2000, Direct Push Technology Sampling, Standard Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Technology, J. Lehr, ed., McGraw Hill, New York, NY; p. 11.151 – 11.163.
Jacobs, J., and Phillips, J., 2000, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Environmental Projects, Standard Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Technology, J. Lehr, ed., McGraw Hill, New York, NY; p. 11.1 – 11.15.
Jacobs, J., 2000, Monitoring Well Construction and Sampling Techniques, Standard Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Technology, J. Lehr, ed., McGraw Hill, New York, NY; p. 11.46 – 11.68.
Jacobs, J., 2000, Passive In-situRemediation Systems, Standard Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Technology, J. Lehr, ed., McGraw Hill, New York, NY; p. 14.12 – 14.25.
Jacobs, J., Ruslen, D., MacLeod, S., and Taylor, T., 1999, In-Situ High Pressure Remediation Injection Process, Hydrovisions, Fall, 1999, Groundwater Resources Association of California.
Jacobs, J. and Bertucci, P. ed., 1998, Geology and Hydrogeology of Northern San Francisco Bay Area, Groundwater Resources Association of California 7th Annual Meeting Field Trip Guidebook, October, 1998.
Jacobs, J., 1998, Private Land Recycling -A New Approach to Brownfields, Hydrovisions, Spring, 1998, Groundwater Resources Association of California.
Jacobs, J., Baker, S. and Stewart, R., 1998, Implications of Nationwide Policy Changes in Environmental Regulations, American Institute of Professional Geologists, January, 1998 p. 6.-8.
Jacobs, J., 1996, Passive Oxygen Barrier for Groundwater, Hydrovisions, January/February, 1996, Groundwater Resources Association of California.
Jacobs, J., 1996, Spotlight on a new technology: January 1996, American Institute of Professional Geologists; Northern California Section Newsletter, p. 1, January, 1996.
Jacobs, J. and Loo, W., 1994, Direct Push Technology-Site Evaluation and Remediation Technologies without the use of Hollow Stem Auger Rigs, American Institute of Prof. Geologists California Section Newsletter, p. 4-6, July, 1994.
Jacobs, J. and Loo, W., 1994, Direct Push Technology Methods for Site Evaluation and In-Situ Remediation, Hydrovisions, July/August, 1994, Groundwater Resources Association of California.
Jacobs, J. and Loo, W., 1994, DPT Technology Opens New Remediation Avenues, ECON Mag., p. 36-37, December.
Jacobs, J., 1985, Fluvial Responses to Hydrologic Changes on the Red River in Northeast Texas; Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geologic Societies, Austin, Texas, pp. 409-414.
Jacobs, J., 1981, Depositional and Quaternary History of the Red River in Northeast Texas, M.A. Thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1981.
Jacobs, J., McCormick, O., and Gilmore, 1981, Exploration Model for Archeology Sites on the Red River in Northeast Texas, 23rd Annual Meeting of the Caddo Conference, March 13-14, 1981, University of Oklahoma, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J. 1980, Geomorphology of the Red River from Texarkana to Lake Texoma, in Red River Archaeology Project, ed. K. Gilmore and O. McCormick, pp. 70-90. Denton, Texas: Institute of Applied Sciences.
Kram, M., Lieberman, S., and Jacobs, J., 2000, Direct Sensing Technologies, Standard Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Technology, J. Lehr, ed., McGraw Hill, New York, NY; p. 11.124 – 11.150.
Phillips, J.K. and Jacobs, J., 2000, The Impact of Global Positioning Systems on Groundwater Resources, Hydrovisions, Fall, 2000, Groundwater Resources Association of California, Vol. 9, No. 3.
Testa, S.M., and Jacobs, J.A., 2002, The Remediation of Hazardous Wastes from Oil Well Drilling, Handbook of Complex Environmental Remediation Problems, McGraw-Hill Handbooks Series, J. Lehr, ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY; Chpt. 8, p. 8.1-8.56.
Testa, S.M., and Jacobs, J.A., 2002, Oil Spills and Leaks, Handbook of Complex Environmental Remediation Problems, eds. Lehr, J., Hyman, M., Gass, T.E., and Seevers, W.J., McGraw-Hill Handbooks, New York, NY; Chpt. 9, p. 9.1-9.85.
Testa, S.M., and Jacobs, J.A., 2000, Geological Principles, Standard Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Technology, J. Lehr, ed., McGraw Hill, New York, NY, Chapter 3; p. 3.1 – 3.30.
Abstracts and Presentations
Jacobs, J.A., 2018, Diverse Settings for Natural and Antrhopogenic Pyrite Oxidation and Selected Mitigation Strategies; Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment, Health and Sciences, San Diego, California, March 19-22, Abstracts, p. 51.
Jacobs, O.P., and Jacobs, J.A., O’Neill, H., and Schneider, R., 2018, Unintentional Discharges of Industrial Compounds into and out of Sanitary or Stormwater Drainage Systems in Urban Settings; Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment, Health and Sciences, San Diego, California, March 19-22, Abstracts, p. 86.
Jacobs, J.A., and Jacobs, O.P., 2017, What Geologists Know about Sewer Systems that Plumbers Don’t: Vapor Intrusion into Indoor Air and the Sewer-Plumbing System; Proceedings of the 54th Annual American Institute of Professional Geologists National Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, September 23-26, Abstracts.
Jacobs, O.P., Jacobs, J.A., and Pennell, K.G., 2016, Exposure Pathway Analysis Using Passive Diffusion Air Sampling Method to Sample Sewer Air in Manholes and Cleanouts; Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment, Health and Sciences, San Diego, California, March 21-24, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J.A., and Jacobs, O.P., 2015, Geologists’ Role in Evaluating VOCs from Illegal Drug Labs, Industrial Wastes and Household Cleaners in Sewer Air; Proceedings of the 52nd Annual American Institute of Professional Geologists National Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska, September 19-22, Abstracts, p. 38-39.
Jacobs, J.A., Jacobs, O.P., and Pennell, K.G., 2015, Updating Site Conceptual Models for Potential Sewer Gas and Vapor Intrusion Into Indoor Air From Breached Sewer Conveyance Systems; Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment, Health and Sciences, San Diego, California, March 23-26, Abstracts, p. 93.
Jacobs, J.A., Jacobs, O.P., and Pennell, K.G., 2014, Geologists and Site Conceptual Models: VOCs and Sewer Gas in Indoor Air Resulting from Migration from Breached Sewer Conveyance Systems; Proceedings of the 51st Annual American Institute of Professional Geologists National Meeting, Prescott, AZ, September 13-16, Abstracts, p. 73-74.
Jacobs, J.A., and Testa, S.M., 2014, Comprehensive Rethinking of Wastes from Mine Sites into Resources; Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment, Health and Sciences Foundation, March 17-20, San Diego, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J.A., 2014, Recent Trends and Prevention for a Significant Occupational Hazard for Scientists and Engineers and Other Field Workers: Coccidioidomycosis: (Valley Fever); Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment, Health and Sciences, March 17-20, San Diego, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J.A., and Testa, S.M., 2013, The Geologist’s Role in Comprehensive Rethinking of Wastes from Mine Sites into Resources; Proceedings of the 50th Annual American Institute of Professional Geologists Meeting, October 24-25, Broomfield, Colorado, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J.A., 2013, Recent Trends and Prevention for a Significant Occupational Hazard for Scientists and Engineers and Other Field Workers: Coccidioidomycosis: (Valley Fever); Proceedings of the 50th Annual American Institute of Professional Geologists Meeting, October 24-25, Broomfield, Colorado, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J.A., and Testa, S.M., 2012, Sustainable Remediation and Green Resource Extraction Practices of Acid Mine Drainage Sites; Proceedings of the Sierra Fund, Reclaiming the Sierra: Green Soluitions to Abandoned Mines, May 3-5, Abstracts, p. 11.
Jacobs, J.A., and Testa, S.M., 2011, Two Metals Treatments for Soil, Sludges and Water using Green Remediation Criteria; Proceedings of the 48th Annual American Institute of Professional Geologists Meeting, September 10-14, Bloomfield, Illinois, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J.A., Archibald, J., and Drury, D., 2011, Sustainable Water Treatment Practices for Blue Green Algae Blooms to Restore Lakes and Reservoirs; Proceedings of the 48th Annual American Institute of Professional Geologists Meeting, September 10-14, Bloomfield, Illinois, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., Adini, A., and Rau, D. 2010, Revisiting a Closed Site: Expedited Treatability Testing and High Pressure Injection of Activated Sodium Persulfate to Move Site toward Closure, Again; Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment, Health and Sciences, March 15-18, San Diego, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., and Testa, S., 2010, Comparison of Two Metals Treatment Technologies in Soil, Sludges and Water: 1990-2010; Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment, Health and Sciences, March 17-20, San Diego, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., and Elam, J., 2010, Improving Water Quality by Reducing Pharmaceutical and Residential Wastes, Managing Resources and Preventing Contamination; Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment, Health and Sciences, March 17-20, San Diego, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., and Testa, S., 2010, Postulated Dissolved Oxygen Demand for Aerobic Marine Degradation of Crude Oil from the BP Oil Spill of 2010, Proceedings of the 47thAnnual National American Institute of Professional Geologists Meeting, September 11-15, Orlando, Florida, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., and Elam, J., 2009, A Model of Environmental Sustainability for Managing Resources, Minimizing Wastes and Reducing Groundwater Contamination at a California Community Services District; Proceedings of the 46th Annual National American Institute of Professional Geologists Meeting, October 3-7, Grand Junction, Colorado, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., 2009, Free Product Removal of Diesel-Range Hydrocarbons Using a 3 Step Flushing, Extraction and Infusion Process; Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment, Health and Sciences, March 9-12, San Diego, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., and Brewer, R., 2009, Cleanup Planning and Design using Remediation Management Zones: Ozone with Enhanced Bioremediation Case Study; Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment, Health and Sciences, March 9-12, San Diego, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., Nelson, L., Begley, J., 2008, Innovative Free Product Removal Advances in Enhanced Flushing Processes for NAPL Recovery, Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment Health and Sciences, March 10-13, San Diego, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., 2008, In-Situ Chemical Oxidation including Ozone/Perozone in the Netherlands Over 5 Years: Review of the SKB Report; Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment Health and Sciences, March 10-13, San Diego, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., and Brewer, R., 2008, An Integrated Simultaneous Approach to Groundwater Remediation using Environmental Hazard Evaluation and Remediation Management Zone Maps; Proceedings from the 45th Annual National American Institute of Professional Geologists Meeting, September 20-24, Flagstaff, Arizona, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., Nelson, L., and Begley, J., 2008, Two Rapid Enhanced Flushing NAPL Recovery Methods; Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Battelle Conference, May 19-22, Monterey, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., Begley, J., and Murphy, N., 2008, Significant Improvement of In-Situ Gas Mass Transfer Performance for Groundwater Remediation Projects; Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Battelle Conference, May 19-22, Monterey, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J.A. and McEdwards, D., 2007, Passive In-Situ Oxygen and Nutrient Injection Project in Santa Rosa, California; Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Conference, Association for the Environment Health and Sciences, March 19-22, San Diego, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J.A. and McEdwards, D., 2007, Gas Infusion Subsurface Recirculation Systems for Enhanced Bioremediation and Abiotic Geochemical Fixation; Proceedings of the 17thAnnual International Conference, Association for the Environment Health and Sciences, March 19-22, San Diego, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., Nelson, L., and Begley, J., 2007, Rapid NAPL Recovery Using Two Different Enhanced Flushing Processes; Proceedings of the 47th Annual National AIPG Meeting, October 7-11, Traverse City, Michigan, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., 2006, Viscous Waste Oil Remediation Using High Vapor Extraction with Biosolvent Flushing; Proceedings of the National Ground Water Association, Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water Meeting; November 6-8, Houston, Texas, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., and McEdwards, D., 2006, A Case Study of Indirect Geochemical Indicators; Proceedings of the National Ground Water Association, Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water Meeting; November 6-8, Houston, Texas, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., and Ryder-Smith, M., 2006, Biosolvent Flushing and High Vacuum Extraction of Heavy Waste Oil; Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Battelle Conference, May 21-26, Monterey, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., and Ryder-Smith, M., 2006, Hotspot Well Treatment of Petroleum Hydrocarbons for Site Closure; Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Battelle Conference, May 21-26, Monterey, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., and McEdwards, D., 2006, Update: Passive In-Situ Oxygen and Nutrient Injection Project in Santa Rosa, California; Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Battelle Conference, May 21-26, Monterey, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., and McEdwards, D., 2004, Chemical Indicators for In-Situ Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons; Proceedings of the National Ground Water Association, Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water Meeting; December 13-17, San Francisco, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., 2003, Chemical Oxidation and Enhanced Natural Attenuation for Oil Field Remediation; Proceedings of the Annual Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists Meeting, May 19-24, Long Beach, California, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., 2002, Overcoming Limitations of In-Situ Remediation using Chemical Oxidizers and Bio-Amendments for Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Chlorinated Solvents; Proceedings of the Association of Engineering Geologists and American Institute of Professional Geologists Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada, Abstracts, p. 53.
Jacobs, J., and Parker, T., 2002, Low Concentrations of Organic Contaminants in the Hydrologic System; Proceedings of the 11th Annual Groundwater Resources Association of California Meeting and Conference, Long Beach, California, September 18-19, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., 2001 Optimization of Existing Soil Vapor Extraction and Pump and Treat Systems using In-Situ Hydraulic Fracturing; Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting and 23rd Biennial Groundwater Conference, Groundwater Resources Association of California, Sacramento, California, October 30, Abstracts, p. 65.
Jacobs, J., 2001, In-Situ Delivery Methods for Remediation of Hexavalent Chromium in Soil and Groundwater, Proceedings of the National Joint Meeting of the Association of Engineering Geologists and American Institute of Professional Geologists, St. Louis, October 5, St. Louis, Missouri, Abstracts, p. 62.
Jacobs, J., 2001, Insights into Remediation of Recalcitrant Compounds using In-Situ Liquid Delivery Systems for Chemical Oxidation, Bioremediation, and Metals Stabilization; Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium in the Series on Groundwater Contaminants: Characterization & Remediation of Emerging and Recalcitrant Contaminants, Groundwater Resources Association of California, June 14-15, Abstracts, 12 p.
Jacobs, J., 2000, Applications of Jetting Technology for In-situ Remediation; Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Association of Engineering Geologists-Groundwater Resources Association of California Meeting, San Jose, Abstracts, p. 92.
Jacobs, J., 2000, In-Situ Remediation of Hot Spots using Jetting Technology; Proceedings of the 52nd Annual National Ground Water Association Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, Program, Abstracts, p. 24.
Jacobs, J. and von Wedel, R., 1997, Enhanced In Situ Biodegradation Via High Pressure Injection of Oxygenating Agents and Nutrients; Proceedings of the 34thAnnual National American Institute of Professional Geologists Meeting, Houston, Texas, Abstracts, p. 27.
Jacobs, J., 1995, Vertical and Horizontal Direct Push Technology and In-Situ Remediation Delivery Systems; Proceedings of the 1995 Annual Meeting, Groundwater Resources Association of California, Sacramento, California; October 6, Abstracts, p. 59.
Jacobs, J., 1994, Overview of Site Evaluation and In-Situ Remediation Technologies by Direct Penetration Method; Proceedings of the 1994 Annual Meeting, Groundwater Resources Association of California, Napa, California; September 29, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., 1992, Environmental Assessments of Oil and Gas Fields; Proceedings of the Annual American Association of Petroleum Landman 1992 West Coast Symposium, Santa Barbara, Abstracts, 36 p.
Jacobs, J., Traver, R., and Jacobs, O., 1991, Environmental Investigations and Remediations of Oil and Gas Fields, Proceedings of the Annual American Association of Petroleum Geologists Meeting, Dallas, Texas, AAPG Bulletin, April, Abstracts, p. 601.
Jacobs, J., and Davis, P., 1990, Environmental Liability and the Oil and Gas Prospector; Proceedings of the Annual American Association of Petroleum Geologists Meeting, San Francisco, California, AAPG Bulletin, June, Abstracts.
Jacobs, J., 1985, Fluvial Responses to Hydrologic Changes on the Red River in Northeast Texas; Proceedings of the Gulf Coast Association of Geologic Societies, AAPG Bulletin, Austin, Texas, October; Abstracts, p. 1424.
Jacobs, J., McCormick, O., and Gilmore, 1981, Exploration Model for Archaeology Sites on the Red River in Northeast Texas; Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Caddo Conference, March 13-14, University of Oklahoma, Abstracts.
Nikas, J., and Jacobs, J., 1990, Observations Made in the Marina District of San Francisco After the Northern California Earthquake of 1989; Proceedings of the Annual American Association of Petroleum Geologists Meeting, San Francisco, CA, AAPG Bulletin, June, Abstracts.
Popkin, B., and Jacobs, J., 2007, When Inaction or Limited Action is the Best Action for Hazwaste Site Cleanups- MONA; Proceedings of the National Academy of Certified Hazardous Materials Managers Meeting, August 12-15, Arlington, Virginia, Abstracts.
von Wedel, R., and Jacobs, J., 2000, Overview of Aerobic Bioremediation and Future Development Potential; Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Association of Engineering Geologists-Groundwater Resources Association of California Meeting, San Jose, Abstracts, p. 118.
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